The police Serious Crash Unit is investigating a fatal motorcycle accident on the Kaitaia Awaroa Rd on Sunday evening. The motorcyclist, 54-year-old Mid North man, who had been reported missing at around 7.45pm, died at the scene.
Emergency services found the crash site just before 8.30pm.
Senior Constable Warren Bunn said he had been riding with a friend when his machine left the road on a right-hand bend, went down a bank and through a fence before coming to rest in trees about six metres below the road, just north of Dysart Rd, on the south side of the Herekino Gorge. The pair had stopped in Herekino, and were continuing north towards Kaitaia.
The other rider stopped on the north side of the gorge to wait for his companion. When he didn't show up he backtracked, and, finding no sign of him, called emergency services. Police, assisted by Herekino residents, carried out a thorough search. Neither the bike nor the rider could be seen from the road, the search ending after a police officer found faint tyre tracks in pine needles beside the road.
Volunteer firefighters from Ahipara and Kaitaia were called out to help recover the body, and the road was closed to traffic between Herekino and the Roma Rd intersection while the Serious Crash Unit examined the scene.