The new government is signalling a desire for a renewed effort in the stalled Ngapuhi Treaty negotiations with a series of "listening hui" planned around the North.
Minister for Treaty Negotiations Andrew Little said the Ngapuhi settlement was a top priority so he was keen to start face-to-face meetings with rangatira, key advisers and hapu before Christmas.
Mr Little would meet the main claimant groups, Tuhoronuku and Te Kotahitanga, tomorrow before attending an open hui with Ngapuhi leaders from 9am to noon on Saturday at the Copthorne in Waitangi.
It was the first in a series of hui to "meet, greet and listen to the people of Ngapuhi".
He planned to return in December and February.
"I'm looking forward to being in Te Tai Tokerau for the listening hui as I see this as a new opportunity for genuine consultation with Ngapuhi about their settlement issues, interests and aspirations," Mr Little said.