Kaitaia's Abundant Life School made its presence felt at Tikipunga High School on Sunday, where talented young musicians from throughout Northland contested the 2021 Smokefreerockquest regional heat. Abundant Life School's Camden Rutene and Travis Horan (Camden) won the solo/duo competition, with Moehau Morunga and Shelby Baker (Toka Iti), from Kaitaia Abundant Life School and Te Rangi Aniwaniwa, second.
Toka Iti also placed second in the Smokefree Tangata Beats Award, won by Te Reo Kia Māori Mai (Whangārei Intermediate), both acts now having the opportunity to submit video footage for selection for the national finals in Auckland on September 17.
Meanwhile the 12 bands that were named for the regional final on June 23 included Under Pressure, The Click. No Vacancy (all Kerikeri High School), and The Young Guns 2.0 (Tāipa Area School).No Vacancy (Kerikeri High School).
The Northland regional final will take place at Forum North, in Whangārei, starting 7pm, tickets ($10 for school students, $20 for adults) from Eventfinda or at the door.
Judge Jessie Booth, who spent Sunday observing the talent, was impressed.