"While it was sometimes difficult getting myself motivated to visit regularly, I soon began to realise I was getting as much out of it, if not more, than I was actually putting in," he said.
Now running a new recruitment drive on the back of awareness raised by National Volunteer Week, he said there were many benefits to volunteering, whether that be by way of a physical presence at the home or as 'virtual volunteer' (working online from home). It provided a real opportunity for anyone who was looking for deeper meaning, value and enrichment in their life, as well as a chance to upskill, particularly those who were younger and/or unemployed, and wanted to enhance their resume.
Volunteering offered a pathway to internship for a career in aged care, as well as a means of getting involved in meaningful, challenging projects.
"Switzer Residential Care is on board with the Eden Alternative, a programme that advocates for the volunteer to provide spontaneity and alleviate the boredom and loneliness some elderly people can feel in a rest home environment," he added.
The Eden Alternative, which was designed to empower aged care facility residents, staff and families, was a philosophy based on health, wellness and improving the quality of life of residents. There were 10 principles that encouraged everyone to view ageing and moving into aged care as a continuation of a life worth living, where people continued to learn, grow, and remained in charge of their destiny.
It specifically targeted three afflictions that affected aged care residents - loneliness, helplessness and boredom - the principles showing how companionship and caring for other people and things, such as plants, animals and children, could improve residents' quality of life.
"It is about ensuring variety and spontaneity remain an integral part of everyday life, and that life isn't overly structured with rules and routines," Frank said.
"As well as companionship, volunteers can be drivers on day trips, help out with regular activities such as indoor bowls, cards, outings and readings, as well as organising and running a variety of events, such as arts and craft workshops. Any other ideas or concepts are always welcome," he added.
Anyone who would like to know more about volunteering was welcome to contact him on (021) 258-6768, or to call at the home's reception desk (phone (09) 408-1480) for an application form.