A community initiative that has been quietly bubbling away in Kaitaia since the beginning of the year will come to fruition at 11am tomorrow, with the opening of Tuia Whare Taapapa and Maara Whenua.
The community garden, or the 'Garden of the Land,' at the end of Melba Street, behind the RSA is a joint venture between Kia Piki Te Ora and Te Aho Tuu Roa, with support from kohanga reo, puna reo, kura, wharekura and learning communities focused on kaupapa Maori environmental projects.
Te Aho Tuu Roa kaiwhakapuumau Joanne Murray said the vision was to create a living library for the community to promote sustainable living and guardianship practices, while empowering participants by developing capacity, providing support and strengthening inter-generational learning opportunities and networks.
Kia Piki Te Ora, a group nurtured by Te Rarawa Anga Mua, meets every Friday to practice and create rongoa Maori, or traditional Maori medicine.
Te Ahu Tuu Roa is an initiative funded by the Toimata Foundation Charitable Trust that works in communities that embrace Maori culture, language and wisdom.