Latest fromNorthland Age

Too many fires are being lit
Myles Taylor laments the inability of some to understand what a fire ban means.

No end in sight to hot, dry conditions
NRC manager Colin Dall sees no relief in sight for the parched North.

Lawyer - people power can win again
Lawyer Sue Grey believes the people can prevail against the advent of 5G technology.

Aviation history comes to Kaitaia
A 76-year-old flying boat draws a crowd to Kaitaia airport.

Total outdoor water bans in Kaikohe, Kaitaia
Kaitaia and Kaikohe may now only use water for drinking, cooking and hygiene.

Larissa and Sprite turn the corner
Larissa Mueller and her horse Sprite will soon be home.

Water crisis - and consumption rises
The FNDC asks Kaitaia to conserve water - so it uses more.

Coronavirus is bringing out the racists among us
The coronavirus threat has revealed a racist streak amongst some Kiwis.

Vehicles may still use Ta Paki Stream
Te Paki stream is part of a much broader environmental challenge.

A big year looms for Abundant Life
An exciting year is in prospect for Abundant Life School.

Some buses struggling to get off 90 Mile
Waipapakauri Ramp is becoming a trap for some tourist buses.

Face masks have sold out in Kaitaia
Face masks sell out in Kaitaia as coronavirus fear takes hold.

Northland gets three of 21 new judges
Three new District Court judges will sit in Northland.

Vegans beat the carnivores - just
Should schools be telling kids what they should and shouldn't eat?

Red Cross needs a boost in Kaitaia
Red Cross offers great opportunities to give to local communities.

Lance O'Sullivan - no need to panic
Lance O'Sullivan says the coronavirus threat is being over-hyped.

Kindy kids in tune with their environment
Mission Place Kindergarten has earned an Enviroschools bronze award.

Police investigate slug gun shooting
A high-powered slug gun takes out a van's back window.

Vandals undo volunteers' good work
Teenagers are caught in the act of vandalising Kerikeri's Wairoa Stream track.