Northland supermarket worker tests positive for Covid-19
A staff member at Kaikohe New World supermarket has tested positive for Covid-19.
A staff member at Kaikohe New World supermarket has tested positive for Covid-19.
As New Zealand's Covid-19 case tally breached 1000, Northland recorded its 16th.
Neta Smith has rejected criticism of Covid19 testing in Kaitaia.
The warning is for people who shopped at Kaikohe New World between March 20-30.
New Civil Defence number for Northlanders needing help during lockdown
Sandy Myhre hands over her awards baby, with a huge global presence.
The 12 cases under investigation are spread across three Northland hospitals.
New Conservative asks if the Covid-19 `cure' is worse than the disease.
Northland cheesemakers win swag of national awards
Far North iwi are stopping whānau trying to return to the region during the lockdown.
A Kerikeri dairy is soldiering on in a strange new world brought about by Covid-19.
More police are heading to the Far North to help maintain Covid-19 lockdown rules.
The 2020 Concert at the Station was as popular as its predecessors.
Iwi Chairs' Forum says the police need reinforcements to monitor the lockdown.
Northland's district councils still making decisions despite lockdown.
Hone Harawira says checkpoints are still needed to turn tourists away from Te Hiku.
Far North boaties are slowly getting the message to stay off the water.
'This is not a lockdown, this is a joke!'
Two more coronavirus cases taken Northland's tally to 11 so far