Latest fromNorthland Age

Continuing support for community checkpoints
Māori Party candidate Heather Skipworth calls for checkpoint support.

Imagine if we united against suicide
Why don't we unite against suicide as we have against Covid-19?

Interviews look to the post-Covid future
Peter Heath looks to those who will shape the Far North's post-Covid future.

Tourists' wedding snap links couples across the world
Welsh couple wasn't invited to the wedding but couldn't resist taking a few photos.

MP calls on police to shut down 'vigilante' checkpoints
Matt King, MP and ex-cop urges police to "uphold the law".

Birdlife rebounds as lockdown empties Northland roads and beaches
The lockdown might be tough on humans but it's a boon for New Zealand birds.

Coronavirus: No new Northland cases; regional total 27
Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield gave the update today.

Chefs share recipes and tips for lockdown meals
"You've got time to play around with stuff."

Northland Covid-19 case in hospital, NZ death toll at 11
A Northland Māori man in his 70s is in a stable condition in hospital.

New Northland Covid-19 case in Whangārei hospital
A Māori man in his 70s, now in hospital, is Northland's latest case of Covid-19.

Pine forests linked to kauri dieback
A new study links pine forest plantations with kauri dieback.

Even tougher times for many in Moerewa
Covid-19 has made life even harder for many people in and around Moerewa.

Te Rarawa rūnanga appoint new CEO
The new chief executive was raised in Whangape and Ahipara.

Growing opposition to `local vigilantes'
Matt King says increasing numbers of locals find illegal checkpoints intimidating.

Indian students struggling in lockdown, ask Govt for help
Govt tells international students at NorthTec to ask their embassies for help.

NZ Covid-19 death toll rises, Northland cases hold at 26
The latest update for Northland's and New Zealand's Covid-19 battle.

Kaikohe checkpoint to stay at least to end of lockdown
Checkpoint set up as deterrent to people considering non-essential travel, Jay Hepi says.

Support for DHB clamming up on Covid-19 case locations
Anecdotally, many members of the public want more specific information released.

Region's coronavirus cases still at 26
No new Covid-19 cases in Northland, lockdown may be eased from next week.

Future of Marsden Pt Oil refinery uncertain
Future of Northland's Marsden Pt Oil refinery uncertain

Science to the rescue of livestock
Cows not quite the villains they've been portrayed as.

Businesses prepare for move to level 3
Northland businesses have mixed responses to the PM's outline of life after the lockdown.

Fishing ban disadvantages whānau
Iwi say recreational and subsistence fishing are not the same.