Latest fromNorthland Age
Northland 20 days without a case
The latest information regarding Northland and New Zealand's fight against Covid-19.
Online investment paying off
Online customer base eases the lockdown for two businesses.
Te Kohanga closed to surfers
Te Takiwa o Ahipara closes Te Kohanga to surfers - until the police intervene.
DHB expects increase in Covid-19 testing in winter
We may see a rise in the number of people 'under investigation' for Covid-19 in hospitals.
Kaikohe leads the testing charge
Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi meets strong demand for Covid-19 testing.
NZ goes two days without new Covid-19 case
The number of Northlanders under investigation for Covid-19 in hospital has decreased.
Seventy years together celebrated
John and Dorothy McDonald celebrate 70 years together.
Seventeen Northlanders under investigation for Covid-19
The 17 Northlanders had either not been tested or they were waiting on a test result.
No new Covid-19 cases for NZ, four active in Northland
The latest update on Covid-19 in Northland.
No new Northland Covid-19 cases as NZ's death toll rises
The latest update on the fight against Covid-19 for Northland and New Zealand.
Edge equestrians win national volunteer award
Formerly on an 800-acre Whananaki farm, the Edges have volunteered for over 40 years.
`Healthcare workers' lives at stake'
Sir Ray Avery questions the quality of Chinese-made face masks.
Record your bit of lockdown history
Museum @ Te Ahu doesn't want anyone to forget the pandemic of 2020.
Back in business in Kaitaia
Lots of traffic but only a few Kaitaia shops open under alert level 3.
Nine Northlanders under investigation for Covid-19 infection
The nine possible coronavirus cases are spread across Northland DHB's four hospitals.
Driver turned back at checkpoint after 600km trip for 'a bit of fishing'
The end of level 4 doesn't mean an end to the ban on unnecessary travel.
Muslim community adapt Ramadan celebrations during lockdown
Once NZ moves to alert level 2, Muslims will be allowed back to the mosque.
Northland recoveries grow, NZ's Covid-19 cases up by 2
The latest update on all things Covid-19 for Northland and New Zealand.
Northland leaders back Go Local! campaign
Northland leaders are backing a Northern Advocate campaign to boost the region's economy.
Checkpoint takes a step back: Drivers no longer required to stop
Those who don't wish to be stopped in Kaikohe can simply drive on.
Kerikeri Village taking no chances
Kerikeri Retirement Village remains well locked down.