Latest fromNorthland Age

Who runs the most effective checkpoints?
Iwi checkpoints would be harder to get past than the government's.

School incident: BB Gun and knife recovered by police in Whāngārei
Police were called soon after 11am.

How to keep Kaka St access open
A councillor has an idea about keeping Ahipara's Kaka St beach access open.

Checkpoint threats raise familiar complaints
Iwi-led checkpoints lose none of their controversy.

Assault at Kaikohe Mobil petrol station
Police were called to reports of a stabbing at Kaikohe petrol station.

The `disgraceful' state of Lake Ōmāpere
Steve Sangster asks why all the talk about water doesn't include Lake Ōmāpere.

Who will listen if they can't believe?
Will people listen if they can't trust what they're being told?

Police checkpoints fail to impress
Tai Tokerau Border Control will act again if necessary.

Call to test answered in droves
Northlanders don't need inviting twice to be Covid tested.

More skills for Te Tai Tokerau Water
Two more appojntments made to Te Tai Tokerau Water.

Level 4 lockdown for aged car facilities
Aged care facilities taking no chances with Covid-19.

New JP follows family example
The Far North's newest JP has a family history of service.

Avery - Only the best masks will do
Avery says masks that don't fit snugly won't do the job.