Latest fromNorthland Age

Kiwi detainees 'ready to riot'
Northland Age

Kiwi detainees 'ready to riot'

Te Tai Tokerau MP Kelvin Davis has berated Australian authorities for the plight of hundreds of New Zealand detainees in Australia prior to deportation, and Prime Minister John Key for failing to defend the rights of New Zealand citizens.

UNESCO award for Paparore
Northland Age

UNESCO award for Paparore

Paparore School principal John Windleborn and former pupil Kendall Stevenson were at the National Digital Forum in Wellington last week to accept a UNESCO Living Heritage award, won by the pupils with their Living Heritage website 'Nga Poupou,' recognised

St Catherine's now has Friends
Northland Age

St Catherine's now has Friends

Fears that Okaihau's St Catherine's Church might be sold were eased last month when a Bishop-appointed management group told a public meeting that a bequest was expected to solve a major financial problem, and now the community has taken another step towa

No lights, no sirens, no cops
Northland Age

No lights, no sirens, no cops

The residents at two addresses in Grigg Street, Kaitaia might not have expected lights and sirens but they did expect to see at least one police officer in the early hours of Tuesday morning. They had a long wait - the first one turned up more than 12 hou