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Who stole all the pies?
Northland Age

Who stole all the pies?

Who ate all the pies might well become of interest in the fullness of time, but for the moment the police in Kaitaia want to know who stole them. And icecream, cakes, softdrinks and the cash register from The Bakerman in Awanui on Monday night.

Kakariki 'wiped out' in the North
Northland Age

Kakariki 'wiped out' in the North

International bird scientist Dr Luis Ortiz-Catedral, an expert in parakeets and island restoration, has blamed a lack of pest control across Northland as playing a key role in the disappearance of the kakariki, the native red-crowned parakeet, which is no

Two in a row for print firm
Northland Age

Two in a row for print firm

Twelve months ago Kaitaia was named Franchise of the Year. And on Saturday night they did it again, at the national conference in Wellington, against competition from more than 35 other contenders around the country.