Lance O'Sullivan: City move needed for growth
Lance O'Sullivan discusses heading off to Auckland to grow his business.
Lance O'Sullivan discusses heading off to Auckland to grow his business.
Electric vehicles hit Far North to mark launch of Crimson Coast Electric Vehicle Highway
Far North will miss Lane O'Sullivan when he moves business from Kaitaia to Auckland
Reggae legend Jimmy Cliff headlines Bay of Islands Festival in Waitangi on Saturday
FNDC is proposing another dog bylaw for public consultation
Top of Far North reconnected after SH1 washout repaired
Far North reconnected to rest of country from 3pm after SH1 repaired
Former US president commends the Maori women leaders of New Zealand.
SH1 at Pukenui in Far North won't reopen until Thursday
Home detention for Northland driver who caused crash which claimed two lives.
Te Puke man wins 90 Mile Snapper Bonanza with 8.945kg fish
COMMENT: It is far more difficult than I thought to grow such a business in the regions.
Essential travel will bypass the washout on SH1 in the Far North on a forestry track.
Daniel Bradbury has been named the Northern FMG Young Farmer of the Year.
Too many people are dying on Northland's roads
Former Far North mayor Wayne Brown says Air NZ should do more to serve the regions.
Frenchman accused of importing 24kg of cocaine into Northland has elected trial by jury.
An 8.945kg snapper was leading the 90 Mile Snapper Bonanza after yesterday's fishing.
Former US President Barack Obama is in the Far North
Kerikeri needs more roads now more than ever, says a reader.
A water bore in Northland is only meters from an effluent pond and its causing concern.
Far North is at risk of a potentially serious explosion of the tropical grass webworm.
Man charged over the deaths of two pig dogs can be named
Richie McCaw brought grins all around a small Northland school when he stopped by.
Excessive bureaucracy cans Opua School Regatta - where's Shane Jones when you need him?
Man arrested after hunting dogs die in ute that was set on fire.
Three short blasts of an air horn will alert Kaitaia to crime in the neighbourhood.
Bay of Islands transport and tourism infrastructure is the big winner this quarter.
Shane Jones wants 'the mongrels' who burnt two pig dogs to death to be named and shamed.