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Windier weather kicking off

Windier weather kicking off

Head weather analyst Philip Duncan talks about the damaging squall that hit an Auckland suburb on Tuesday. We look at the upcoming weekend weather which promises more wind, rain, sun and calm - plus we also look at the new windier weather pattern that is moving in until the end of next week and could bring a spell of severe weather to parts of New Zealand.

Cool change ahead

Cool change ahead

A cool change is moving up the country over the next couple of days bringing some snow above 500m in the south but certainly nothing significant. The change isn’t looking quite as cold as it did a few days ago but the latest models show temperatures will tumble nationwide, especially in the South Island, until Thursday. Across Friday winds build over the South Island then into the North Island on Saturday – this will mark what we predicted last month, two weeks of windy weather for the second and third weeks of October.

 A mostly dry weekend

A mostly dry weekend

Quite a bit of cloud will affect various regions across the country this weekend – but the general trend is for dry, calm weather for most regions. Brisk winds will continue though some central areas but the windier weather arrives later next week. In fact kicking off around next Thursday is a windy spell which could last until Labour Weekend. Finally, if you’ve been enjoying the warm weather in the east of both islands later, be prepared for a brief cold snap early next week – Mon and Tues sees a southerly blowing up the southern and eastern coastlines of New Zealand from Antarctica – it’s short lived though, warmer weather returns by Wednesday.

Weekend weather report

Weekend weather report

Gusty to gale force winds will again push through central parts of NZ on Saturday, mostly Wellington and Wairarapa. It means it will be warm in the east of both islands but Sunday sees a cooler change move in to much of the South Island. Generally speaking the weekend isn’t looking too rough this weekend, it’s a typical spring-like weekend!

WeatherWatch: (SEP 25) Storm now weakening

WeatherWatch: (SEP 25) Storm now weakening

Philip Duncan covers the track of last night’s storm, where it’s placed now and what New Zealand can expect over today, the coming weekend and for the start of October next week. For today the low has stalled just west of Auckland and tonight will drift back across the North Island bringing strong westerlies to Northland and Auckland. Most other places should see winds easing as the centre of the low starts to weaken significantly across Thursday. A west to south west flow will stay with the country until Monday.

Subtropical low coming

Subtropical low coming

A storm is approaching the North Island and upper South island. Winds will pick up during Tuesday with rain developing too. Overnight Tuesday and into Wednesday this storm peaks – gales and heavy rain are possible. By Thursday it’s easing but a strong south west change behind it could make for a windy end to the week for Auckland.

WeatherWatch: (SEP 16) Two lows to affect NZ

WeatherWatch: (SEP 16) Two lows to affect NZ

Don’t worry – the headline is about as severe as it gets this week, nothing like last week! The first low will affect northern NZ over Monday and Tuesday while at the same time a high rolls up the South Island with a return to frosts for some. Wednesday the high covers all of the nation but by Thursday the next Tasman Sea low will be pushing in to the West Coast.

Greatest NZ stories roadtrip

Greatest NZ stories roadtrip

An epic journey to the heart of New Zealand is underway in search of Kiwis' greatest stories to celebrate the New Zealand Herald's 150th anniversary. Contact the roadtrip duo on, through, or through social media, including Twitter,hashtag #nzhgreatest or go to our reporter directly @dfisherjourno.

Cold snap heads north

Cold snap heads north

The brief and predicted cold snap is moving up NZ today and on Thursday will start to ease. By Friday a strengthening westerly flow will develop – turning into storm by Tuesday or Wednesday with severe gales possible in central and eastern areas. The westerly flow will likely last for 8 days and is the first full scale westerly flow of the season.

Brief cold snap mid-week

Brief cold snap mid-week

Spring is here and the weather couldn’t be more spring-like if it tried! Stunning, sunny and warm weather for some people today – but wintry showers with snow and hail possible Wednesday and Thursday before a windy and mild weekend arrives. Welcome to Spring 2013.

WeatherWatch: (AUG 12) Topsy-turvy spring week
Northern Advocate

WeatherWatch: (AUG 12) Topsy-turvy spring week

We hardly had a winter this year and now the spring weather pattern has arrived early. The week ahead looks spring-like with a number of fronts, lows and highs. also has the forecast for the rest of August – including the chances of snow at our main ski fields.

 Movie Trailer: Pain and Gain
Northern Advocate

Movie Trailer: Pain and Gain

Based on a true story, "Pain & Gain" follows a group of bodybuilders who engaged in a campaign of kidnapping, extortion and murder in Florida. First told in an article from the "Miami New Times," "Pain and Gain" will be directed by Bay and will star Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Courtesy: Paramount

UFOs' filmed near Napier?
Northern Advocate

UFOs' filmed near Napier?

NZ Herald reader Martin witnessed 3 bright red lights in the sky (Aug7) just after 7.00 p.m. They seemed to drift along before moving away and "I could see them getting fainter until they disappeared. This lasted for about 2 to 3 minutes". It was a still night and they did not make a sound. Martin took a short clip on his phone which he sent to They appear white in this clip.

Horse goes wakeboarding
Northern Advocate

Horse goes wakeboarding

A love of horses and wakeboarding has seen a Northland equestrian duo combine raw horse power with the exhilarating watersport. Good mates Chloe Phillips-Harris, a full time horse trainer in Kawakawa, and Nikita Osborne, a vet and horse rider in Kerikeri, have trained a wild Kaimanawa horse to gallop through the surf with a wakeboarder skimming along behind.