High drowning rates prompt call for Kiwis to take care on the water
Northland has the second worst drowning and fifth worst water-related injuries in NZ
Northland has the second worst drowning and fifth worst water-related injuries in NZ
What some kaipara residents think of Mayor's karakia ban and subsequent backtrack
Rarely has any council meeting in New Zealand commanded so much attention.
Joe Bennett takes a look how language evolves side-by-side with women's sports.
Four arrests, drugs and firearms seized in Whangārei homicide inquiry
The 22-strong team will put their skills to the test against approximately 1000 others.
Winners found in Northland Bowls' junior contests
The latest news bites from around the region.
Spare a thought for those working on the roads these holidays.
The patrols are in response to concerns about crime in the Far North.
Catherine Cull says the appointment shows what Northlanders can achieve.
Road worker who killed Whangārei motorcyclist gets community detention and community work.
A train and truck have collided at Port Whangārei.
Next week’s protest march in Dargaville triggered by new mayor’s ‘karakia ban’.
Parua Bay School team wins spot in international Aquabots final.
Northport, applied for consent to expand its into the sea including 11.7ha reclamation
Comment: The hospital will transform into a place able to meet the region's growing needs.
The latest news snippets from around the region.
Plans to shift Northland Rescue Helicopter have been opposed in the High Court.
The case of a Kiwi man's speargun injury has highlighted the popular sport's risk.
The Advocate understands the man has been airlifted to Whangārei Hospital.
Northland company on trial after Korean tourist dies at Northalnd's Te Paki sand dunes
Mayor's refusal to allow karakia prompts petition for him to resign
Iwi leaders will meet with Kaipara mayor - whether he likes it or not
OPINION: A newly-elected mayor landed with a thump that echoed through the country.
Houses in some beach suburbs are still selling for millions, despite the downturn.
Early history of swimming on show at Whangārei Museum.
Secret Santas, homemade gifts and setting budgets are recommended ways to keep costs down.