Green Party's Northland electorate candidate is Darleen Tana Hoff-Nielsen
Green Party's Te Tai Tokerau electorate candidate is Darleen Tana Hoff-Nielsen
Green Party's Te Tai Tokerau electorate candidate is Darleen Tana Hoff-Nielsen
Northland police comes across an increase in road crashes involving drink-drivers.
In the last 10 weeks, there have been noticeable spikes in the number of tests being done.
Alarm raised after family members found missing man's vehicle by Tangiteroria Bridge.
Whangārei Heads could be first predator-free area in Northland
With high charges and low speed especially in rural areas, expectations are not being met.
Search dog, drone, LandSAR volunteers and IRB assisting police search along Wairoa River.
Southerly ridge expected to bring overnight lows of 5C or 6C.
Whangārei and Kensington featured prominently in last weekend's bowling action.
Whangārei welcomes $26 million for projects from Covid recovery fund.
$26 million of Govt funding for Whangārei infrastructure projects
The method is to support whānau of loved ones struggling with substance abuse.
Northland man who beat a cow with a metal bar convicted and fined $3130.
Northland entertainers Suzy Cato and Troy Kingi with NZSO school holiday programme
Northland Rugby boss confident the quality of service for players will not be affected.
Whangaroa Māori want better council planning to manage growth
Workers will spend 3-6 months on 15 projects with economic and environmental benefits.
New proposal is for smaller reclamation, plus boat ramp and jetty, next to Ōpua marina.
Maureen knitted 30 hats for centre staff.
$100M to clean up Kaipara Harbour welcomed by all
The Waipapa man whose house was destroyed by fire is grateful for community support.
Having your first baby on the first day of lockdown was hard for these Kerikeri parents.
A mummified dog found in Rawene is a reminder of a time of tensions over dog tax laws.
Neither blaze was suspicious, say investigators.
Northland students can get NCEA credits for learning financial literacy in school.
A campervan is heaven compared to a leaky, flea-ridden tent, a Northland family says.