The Whangarei Motorcycle Club will be having a fun/practice day at the Ruakaka Sand track on Sunday, October 30 from 10am to 3pm.
The track is situated at the corner of Marsden Point Rd and Sime Rd - access is through the main gates situated off Marsden Point Rd - approximately 200 metres past Simes Road on the right hand side.
Sign posting will be from the round about on SH1 and Port Marsden Highway.
The track is sand based with numerous jumps (step-ups/step-downs/100 foot jump table top) and burmed corners - the track is approximately 2.4km long with undulating and flat areas. The track will be watered to keep the dust to a minimum.
The cost is $20 per rider or $15 for Whangarei Motorcycle Club members - club membership cards will have to be produced when signing on for the $15 fee