Gary Griggs Challenge Cup - for Open 5000m - Casey D Clarkson
Colin Adams Cup - for Open 1500m - Casey D Clarkson
Mason Cup - For Open 800m - Casey D Clarkson
Crowley Cup - for Most Points Senior Sprints and Hurdles (Joint winners) - Kurt J Benney Joshua C P Brown
Nelson Cup - for Most Points in Field Events - Joshua C P Brown
Old Pupils' Cup (1919) - For School Athletics Champion - Joshua C P Brown
Mike Bell Trophy - for Senior Singles Champion - David J Armitt
H Henderson Cup - for Most Valuable Player - Harlyn G J Clunie
Thompson Trophy - for Outstanding Team Commitment - Merryl (Troy) I T Faltado
WBHS Trophy - for Player Showing Most Potential - Hayden F W Bird
Armstrong Bros Trophy - For Most Improved Player 1st XI - David J Armitt
Briggs Memorial Cup - for Best Bowling Performance - Henry R Cooper
Wilkinson Trophy - For Best Batting Performance - Henry R Cooper
Cricket Cup - for Best All Rounder - Henry R Cooper
UBIX MVP Trophy - for Most Valued Player - Henry R Cooper
Old Boys' Cup - for Captain 1st XI - Henry R Cooper
Herbert Smith Trust Cup - for Intermediate Champion - James P Edwards
Woolley Cup - for Open Champion - Casey D Clarkson
R C Smith Cup - for Captain 1st XI - William L Dunn
WBHS Old Boys' Association Trophy - for Championship Best Gross - Kadin B Neho
John Clark Cup - for Most Improved Player - Bradley V Kneebone
Gillingham Trophy - for Sportsmanship and Dedication - Travis R Keep
Lints Trophy - for Most Valuable Player, 1st XI - Henry R Cooper
Old Boys' Team Trophy received by:1st XI Sean W Laidlaw
Headmaster's Trophy - for Captain 1st XI - Sean W LAIDLAW
1980 Gordon Mug - for Best Player under-15 - Kadince A Christensen
1980 Gordon Mug - for Best Player under-16 - Trevor R Attwood
H Henderson Trophy - for Best Player in 2nd XV - Jaydon J Foster
Old Boys' Cup - for Most Improved Player 1st XV - Trent D Dean
Mike Budd Trophy - for Outstanding Team Commitment - Jayden I Gravatt
Merv Green & Murray Speight Trophy - for Best Attacking Player 1st XV - Jordan A Antunovich
Robert N Davis Memorial Cup - for Greatest Contribution 1st XV - Michael R Ganley
Headmaster's Cup - for Captain of 1st XV - Kurt J Benney
K and M Diversi Cup - for Best Forward - Leroy J Broughton
J and O Lewis Trophy - for Most Improved Player - Reece Q Bermingham
Robert Henare Cup - for Best Back - Kurt J Benney
Cody Higgison Memorial - for Most Outstanding Player of the Year (WBHS) - Kadince A Christensen
SAILING (formerly Yachting)
The Centreboard Trophy - for Greatest Contribution to Sailing - Michael G E Cate
McKinnon Sheild - for Trap Shooting - Andrew L Caldwell-Smith
Old Pupils' Cup - for Intermediate Champion - Chad R Walker
Alderton Tray - for Open 200m Freestyle - Chad R Walker
School Cup - for Open 50 Metres Freestyle - Lee J Corkill
Waterhouse Cup - for Open 100 Metres Freestyle - Michael Cate
Powell Cup - for School Champion - Michael Cate
Garry Frew Trophy - for School Champion - Evan T Jones
Northland LTA Cup - for Senior School Champion - Noah P Gulick
Whanau Awards
Thompson Cup for swimming - Received by: Joshua S Martinac
Tong cup for speech contest - shared with Hobson - Received by: Harley Iraia
Medallion for outstanding support - of whanau activities - Awarded to: Joshua B Wilson
Bank of NSW Cup and medallion - for captain of bledisloe - Awarded to: Joshua B Wilson
M Dean Trophy for inter whanau hockey - Received by: Jack A Vujcich
Tai Tokerau trophy for inter-whanau - maori contest haka - Received by: Anau J Hazeldine
School Steeplechase Cup - For cross-country - Received by: Casey D Clarkson
Medallion for outstanding support - of whanau activities - Awarded to: Andrew J Kidd
Paine Cup and medallion - for captain of Carruth - Awarded to: William L Dunn
Trophy for inter-whanau touch - Received by: Trent D Dean
School Trophy for inter-whanau quiz - Received by: Ben C Smith
Bank of NSW Cup - for badminton - Received by: David J Armitt
Colin Cunningham Cup for athletics - Received by: Joshua C P Brown
Medallion for outstanding support - of whanau activities - Awarded to: Joshua C P Brown
Nelson Ross Cup and medallion - for captain of Grey - Awarded to: Joshua C P Brown
David Hutley Cup for soccer - Received by: Fraser T Seymour
Trophee sports Trophy for basketball - Received by: Louis H Davis
Baxter Cup for inter-whanau academic - points - Received by: Troy J Horan
WBHS Mike Gifford Trophy - for inter-whanau singing - shared with Carruth - Received by: Troy J Horan
Medallion for outstanding support of - whanau activities - Awarded to: Gareth S Sime
Hewitt Cup and medallion - for captain of Hobson - Awarded to: Troy J Horan
Medallion for outstanding support - of whanau activities - Awarded to: Leroy J Broughton
Armstrong Cup and medallion - for captain of Marsden - Awarded to: Sean M Blackwood
Wilkinson Cup (shared by Carruth and Grey) - Awarded jointly to: Carruth and Grey - Received jointly by: Joshua C P B William and L Dunn