This weekend Parua Bay will host the fifth annual Hoe Matariki regatta, which sees children and family celebrated alongside the Maori New Year.
The regatta, hosted by Parihaka Waka Ama on their fifth anniversary, will triple as the close of the paddling season for some paddlers, Parihaka Sports Club captain Analatu Wolfgramm-McKay said.
"We look forward to this event every year," Wolfgramm-McKay explained. "Because it's our regatta and most local teams get to compete against teams from out of the region.
"The day for us is really about celebrating all that we love, paddling, being with whanau, sharing kai and acknowledging achievement. We are proud to host paddlers from throughout Tai Tokerau and other regions and to show off our little piece of paddling paradise, Terenga Paraoa - Whangarei Harbour.
"Hoe Matariki is also about giving new paddlers and less competitive paddlers an opportunity to experience a regatta."