No 5 Tee: Mike Williams, Bob Izzard, Noel Reed, Chris Cleave; Ian Dunn (4), Robbie Kokich (4).
No 10 Tee: Mark Gilbert, Greg Meara, Mark Dackers, Craig Auld; Neil Fraser, Marty Maher, Laurie Fraser, Colin Redwood; Merv Sim, Laurie Harris, Ronnie West, Tony Reid.
No 16 Tee: Craig Russell, Julian Rattray, Mike Nyssen, A Nother; Brian Morgan (4), Phillip White, John Gavin, Barry Neeley, A Nother.
Sherwood Park
The draw for the first day of the Four Day Mixed Veteran's tournament on Monday is:
First Tee:
Division One (4 ball net matchplay): 8.30am Hiro Kawade & Robyn Mulholland v David Smith & Beryl MacLeod; 8.38am Don Davis & Pat Smith v Ted Glover & Glenis Webb; 8.45am Murray & Gillaine Dalbeth v Ian & Mary Couper; 8.53am Jack Baker & Rachael Ngaropo v Raymond Alison & Margaret Doel.
Division Two (4 rounds on combined stableford): 9am Peter Feltham & Jeannie Allen and Dallas & Terene Campbell; 9.08am Max Parker & Yvonne McKinnon and Tom & Trish Sawyer; 9.15am John McKernan & Jeanette Hart and Phil Redfern & Marie Walker.
Tenth Tee:
Division One: (4 ball net matchplay): 8.30am Don Campbell & Reina Mellar v Dave & Barbara Barrell; 8.38am Mike & Karen Leyden v Paul Stretch & Doris Frost; 8.45am Ian & Eve Williamson v Barry & Margot Thom; 8.53am Merv Sim & Coleen West v John Anderson & Lesley Ridgley.
Division Two (4 rounds on combined stableford): 9am Les & Anne Longman and Russell Foster & Lynette Finlayson; 9.08am Bill Smith & Anna Marshall and Graeme & Marion Webster.
Northland Golf Club
Men's Competition, April 24.
A field of 41 took part. Golfer of the day was Keith Dallas on 41 points from John Ross also on 41, On 40 Noel Reed & Ken Atchison, On 38, Andy Soper, On 37 Chris Wood, On 36, Glen Williams, On 35, Alan Sanderson, Jim Mortimer, John Rand.
Twos: On No 3, Stu James, No 6, Ken Atchison, John Mitchell, Eric Styan, No 12, Ken Atchison, Andy Soper, No 16, Lee Neumann, No 18, Vince Stead.
Northland Indoor Bowling Centre
Mick Pretious Fours
Of a field of 15 teams, seven qualified. Kerry Manson, Eddie McCarthy, Clarence Thomas, Greg Uritich had a bye.
First Round: John Teirny, Lyn Brittian, Connon Walker, John Rawson beat Pauline McKinley, Bob McKinley, Evelyn Smith, Margaret Heaven. 13-7; Joan Broderick, Raewyn Gibbs, Bill Dellow, Michael Broderick. beat Don Christini, Ian Wilson, Mike Hampton, Cat Stephens. 9-6; Don Simpson, Kia Ward, John Love, Kath Love. beat John Johnston, Arthur Tan, Marie Tan, Sylvia Johnston. 10-4
Second Round: John Teirny, beat Kerry Manson. 8-6; Don Simpson beat Joan Broderick 9-7.
Final: John Teirny beat Don Simpson 9-1.
Tournament sponsored by Kerikeri IBC.
McLeod Bay Indoor Bowls Club
Seaview Retirement Park Visitors, April 24
1 Alan Currie (Taurikura) Jack Mortimore/Maurice Pitts (McLeod Bay) 2 wins, 1 draw 17pts. 2 John Coates/Barbara Green/Lesley Smith (McLeod Bay) 2 wins 1 loss 25pts. TEC Julie Seux (McLeod Bay) Christa Boshoff (Seaview) Katy Helme.
Whangarei RSA Indoor Bowls
Results, April 17
1 V Reed, B Thomas, M Whittingham, S Johnston, 2 D Strawbridge, G Norris-Palmer and J Thomas.
Best sports: A Dawling, K Mardell, M Tan, C Farr
Fun Night, April 24
First equal: D Strawbridge, P Tuhuamohi, H Bertholet, J Brown, J Johnston, T Reed, M Tan, D Lyddiard
Best sports: A Tan, V Reed, M Kimber, J Joyce.