Strong said the club would be of particular interest for young drivers as it offered an event called a motorkhana.
"With the likes of motorkhana, that really helps them get in and learn to drive. When they step into a car it's totally different, and teaches them the size of a car so when they go out on the street they know where the corners of the car are. So instead of just steering, they're driving."
For people interested in competing in Northland Car Club events, the following is a brief description of the different events which are run:
Motorkhana: The venue can be tarseal, gravel or grass and a test is set up using cones, and must be driven in the direction described. Cars start and stop in a garage (four cones) and are timed for the duration of the test. Any car can be used for a Motorkhana and it is an ideal starting event for young drivers.
Autocross: A circuit is set up, usually in a grass paddock, but can be gravel or tarseal, and cars are timed to do two or three laps of the circuit.Any car can be used, but racing overalls and a helmet are needed. An Autocross is the next step up from a motorkhana.
Hillclimb: By far the most popular type of event, the club holds a Hillclimb, which is held on a gravel or tarseal road closed to the public. A standard road car can be used for some Hillclimbs, but a car with a roll cage is advisable. Overalls, a helmet and fire extinguisher are needed.
Rally Sprint: A Rally Sprint is similar to a Hillclimb held on a closed gravel road or a forestry road but is a lot longer and also has downhill sections. To do a Rally Sprint, you need a rally car with a full roll cage, full harness seat belts and a lot of other safety items and is certified to specifications under Motorsports New Zealand.
Street Sprint: The club has an annual Street Sprint at Ruakaka each year that attracts a lot of competitors from other clubs. Held on closed streets, it is a tarseal event with similar requirements to a Hillclimb.
1/4 Mile Sprint: Known more as a drag race but the club is only allowed one car running at a time. This event is at Casey Road, One Tree Point and is held annually, this year; it is on Sunday, September 15. Any car can be used, but overalls and a crash helmet is essential.
People over 12 years old can compete in all of the above events (with some vehicle size restrictions) and can do two Motorkhanas, Autocross or 1/4 Mile Sprints without being a club member to try the sport out or can be taken for a ride in a rally car at a Hillclimb.
Go to for a full list of coming events and check out the Facebook page, which has a lot of videos and photos.