The Janet Agnew Carnival Doubles Tennis Tournament is now a popular competition, attracting players from New Zealand and Australia. In earlier years it often hosted more than 200 players with games finishing under floodlights after midnight.
One of the main reasons it has been such a success is the motivation and inspiration provided by Agnew.
Fortunately, the doctor's original prognosis proved over-pessimistic. Agnew has been back playing tennis for a number of years in the Northland Seniors and in the Senior interclub competition in Auckland every second weekend for Mangere Combined.
For more than 20 years Janet and her partner, Graham Nesbit, organised the sponsors and practically ran the doubles tournament on their own, however a few years ago she was diagnosed with depression and was unable to cope.
Her longtime friends Raewyn Heywood, Ethne Mitchell and Lyn Ferguson rallied around to help her out and this year Shelley Yeates joined the team. .
The tournament is played in early February at Thomas Neale Family Memorial Park in Kamo and caters for both Mens and Ladies and Mixed A and B grade doubles.
Two years ago, organisers wanted to reach 25 years, which they accomplished this year, and if Agnew has any say on the matter, the tournament will surely continue for at least another 25 years.
To vote, email or text NAD and the initials of your nomination to 021 241 4568.
Voting closes on November 25.
The winner will be announced on Friday, December 2.