Newly promoted Manawanui White might not have triumphed in their debut premier game but they've certainly won some respect.
Manawanui White went down 38-43 against Fideliter 1, earning themselves one competition point.
For Fideliter 1, Rowena Davis Cooper and Alisha Takimoana defended well, and Lara Tipene in the mid court at centre grabbed crucial intercepts and turnover ball.
Manawanui White's Jade Telfer at goal keep played a tight defensive game to combat the height of the Fideliter goal shooter. Kelsey Power at wing attack and then wing defence and Sian Telfer at centre continually contested the ball throughout the court.
Marist 1 and Fideliter 2's match-up was also close with the score 22-22 at halftime.