Fifth-placed South Pool contestants Tikipunga High School had the home advantage in their Northtec Adam Blair Rugby League round three clash this week, but their competitive advantage ended there.
The Tikipunga side played against a well-versed Whangarei Boys' High School (WBHS) but failed to make amends from last week's loss in Dargaville, going down to Boys' High 6-86.
The visiting WBHS team were coming in hot from their 48-4 demolition of Kamo High School in their round two hit-out, and they showed no sign of stopping heading into the Tikipunga match.
WBHS now head into round four with a 100 per cent winning record this season and are placed first in the South Pool.
In other round three matches this week, Kamo High School had a solid game against Bay of Islands College, winning 46-10.