This weekend sees most clubs holding the first of their Championship events. Although it is early in the season the programme is so full they have to start some of these events early.
The Kensington Club are using October 18 as a "Have a Go Day" and have their club open from 10am to 1pm for the public to come and try the game.
Busy scheduleOpen tournaments next week:
October 20: Kamo Women's Sixes (individual entry); October 21: Mangawhai Mixed Pairs, Maungakaramea AC Triples; October 22: Dargaville AC Triples, Waipu Mixed Pairs; October 23: Whangarei AC triples, 5.30pm.
Clubs are also reminded that the Kensington AC Triples on October 26 is to have one 1-8 year player per team and not as advertised.