"It's a big day for our athletes."
Special Olympics New Zealand is hosting the National Games down in Wellington next November.
Collins said Whangarei's bowlers would be heading to Tier 2 competitions as part of their qualification.
"Howick-Pakuranga is holding a Tier 2 in August at Manukau and Tauranga are holding one in September," she said.
"Whangarei is intending on attending both of these with both an A and B team."
Special Olympics Whangarei has also decided to host a Tier 2 competition sometime in May next year.
All athletes attending the 2017 Nationals must qualify by June 30 2017.
This means they must compete in both Tier 1 and 2 to be considered for selection.
Collins said this was the same across all sports offered by Special Olympics New Zealand.
She said Sunday's event should make for a good day.
"We have some impressive bowling talent in Whangarei, and it will be on show."
Collins has been the backbone for Special Olympics Whangarei for the last 30 years.
In addition to her tenpin bowling coaching role, she is the Treasurer of Special Olympics Whangarei, assists in coaching aquatics, indoor bowls, and athletics.
She also organises fundraisers and maintains equipment and uniforms.
The competition will commence at 10.30am, with the Presentation of Ribbons to start once the games are completed around 1pm.