Latest fromSport

Alinghi shed great boon for Hokianga sailors
A Northland community's efforts to revive children's sailing have been boosted by an America's Cup syndicate.

Inspiring Far North youth
A Paralympic gold medallist, the builder of the world's longest water slide and an endurance racing driver are among the speakers lined up this weekend.

Rugby: Youngsters to work with league royalty
Twenty four young Northland rugby league players have earned themselves the chance to be trained by ex-Warriors' assistant coach Tony Iro as part of the Adam Blair XIII.

Sports set to go on in spite of storm
Despite the warning of a sub-tropical weather system descending on Northland tomorrow, sport seems to be all go.

Equestrian: Rider, breeder form winning team
A Kaitaia equestrian and the breeder of the horses she rides have enjoyed a prolific run of success.

Paddlers' memorial race on hold
Waka ama organisers have postponed tomorrow's scheduled Bo Herbert Memorial race off the Tutukaka Coast to avoid the forecast stormy weather.