• Premium - Wyn Drabble: Don't you hate it when that happens?
• Premium - Wyn Drabble: May I now rest my case?
• Premium - Wyn Drabble: Dog's-eye view of lockdown
• Premium - Wyn Drabble: My latest language gripes
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Get daily Northland headlines straight to your inbox.To make up for this I bark at things which, on reflection, are rather random: trees, fences, sparrows, grass, a twig, a toffee wrapper.
I must say my walks have become a little repetitive. We go down the same street and I don't mind that – there are always scents to check out – but I must admit I miss the beach visits. We don't have surf down our street and I enjoy racing into the waves summer or winter because I'm half husky (I think it's the back half).
And normally when we have walks, my owners let me socialise with other dogs we meet en route. But now they veer away, keep on opposite sides of the road. They even have conversations with passing friends from opposite sides of the road. Why?
There is a positive to all this; I seem to get more walks per day, each time with a different person. But with each person the anti-socialising rules remain firmly in place.
Yes, dogs must protect even moving territory. If I didn't bark fiercely at them as we drove past, they could very easily, well, they could ... I might have to get back to you on this one.
You may be interested to know that I have my own car. I know the reason because I've heard my humans talking about it; it's because I shed a lot of fur and it clings to the walls and upholstery of the vehicle. It's actually a look I like. I call it the fur-lined look.
I can't steal the birds' food anymore because, with people always home, I'm constantly being watched.
You see, my owners put food for the wild birds on the outside table and normally when they head off in the morning, I extend my front paws up onto the table and enjoy a little morning snack at the expense of the birds. That little pleasure has gone.
I suppose a bird's-eye view of this would show another side of the story.
And why am I hearing "PPE" all the time? I'm 4 years old and don't need to be told when to go peepee.
So, whatever it is that's going on with the world, it has its pros and cons. I guess having company all day and having more walks are the winners so, on balance, I'm okay.
But I would still like to know what it is that's going on.
And I would still like a duck stick from time to time.