Far North company Top Energy has asked the Government to compulsorily acquire land under the Public Works Act from up to nine landowners who have not negotiated easement rights across their properties for a new power line between Kerikeri and Kaitaia.
Electricity line supply company and geothermal power producer Top Energy has negotiated easement rights with around 80 property owners in the Far North to allow work to start on a new power line between Kerikeri and Kaitaia.
However, nine other property owners have refused to grant permission to allow work to commence, forcing Top Energy to ask the Government to step in and acquire the land under the Public Works Act.
Top Energy chief executive Russell Shaw said this was a last resort option and even after three years of discussion the company is still willing to negotiate with the owners. The existing line is 60 years old and once a year the company turns off power to Kaitaia and eastern coastal areas for a day to carry out maintenance. Moreover, an estimated 700 people who have moved to Kerikeri and surrounds in the past two years places further stress on the line's transmission capability.
Mr Shaw said the line was badly in need of replacement and at risk in adverse weather.