Work has started on papakāinga in Otangarei which will provide transitional housing for families before they move on to more sustainable accommodation.
Otangarei Papakāinga Ltd (OPL) has started preparing the site, next to Fishbone Park, for construction of the five two-bedroom homes following a blessing by local kaumātua last Monday.
Janine Kaipo, operations manager for OPL's parent provider Te Hau Āwhiowhio o Otangarei Trust, said it had been a long process getting to that stage.
"Once you do the blessing, you know you're on your way. It's kind of exciting," she said.
In February Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced funding of almost $900,000 for Otangarei Papakainga -$450,000 from Te Puni Kōkiri and $431,241 from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.