The foul odour from the contentious Mangawhai wastewater project could get even smellier as plans to expand the scheme are mapped out with public input.
An eight-member advisory panel chaired by D'Arcy Quinn has been chosen by the government-appointed commissioners running the Kaipara District Council to look at how any future extensions and connections would be funded and who would pay what amounts.
The panel ran a community open day at the Mangawhai Domain on Saturday, where it displayed boards that set out the history and information on the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater, and a draft funding summary.
The Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association, whose members are among the staunchest critics of the scheme and the way rates have been set by the council over the years, has not ruled out legal action if the scheme is extended at the expense of present households connected to the system.
A proposal prepared by contractors Earthtec in 2006 made it clear the initial reticulation area would be progressively expanded as required to service up to 4000 homes, as and when development occurred.