With the increase in large slips and road damage due to extreme weather events, physical connectivity for some of Northland is a big issue. Photo / Myjanne Jensen
With the increase in large slips and road damage due to extreme weather events, physical connectivity for some of Northland is a big issue. Photo / Myjanne Jensen
As the recently-elected chairman of the Northland Mayoral Forum, and as Mayor of Whangārei, I sometimes have the opportunity to speak on behalf of our entire Northland region.
The economic health of our district - and by extension, that of our entire northern region - was one of the hot topics at our recent Northland Mayoral Forum.
The Forum is held quarterly, and provides the opportunity for all mayors and chairs of our Northland local government to come together to discuss the state of our region.
There is no doubt that Whangārei District’s economic wellbeing is closely tied to the economic health of our Northland region. We can’t expect our own district to thrive in isolation, which is why it is so important to commit to collaboration and good governance through entities such as the Mayoral Forum.
At our Forum last week, we identified some key areas for all of our councils to be focusing on: connectivity, economic health, and funding, funding, funding!
Physical connectivity via roading is a huge problem for our northern neighbours, especially with the increase in large slips and road damage due to extreme weather events.
We have the same issues here in Whangārei District, and in Kaipara.
We need to know that our arterial routes will be safe and accessible in the case of Civil Defence emergencies, and we need to know that we’re able to stay connected for tourism and economic purposes. The current state of our state highways is not acceptable, and we are in discussions with Waka Kotahi to have an accelerated plan of action tabled in the new year.
The condition of our state highways isn't acceptable. Photo / Michael Cunningham
Connectivity isn’t just about roading, however. It’s also about access to the internet; to power and water. Our Northland region needs to feel more connected to the rest of New Zealand, and we deserve to have our basic needs met in a more reliable manner.
Economic growth is achieved through enabling development, and through continuing to make our region an attractive option for investors, developers, tourists and residents.
Funding is the key to both connectivity and economic growth. We need our Government to sit up and look closely at the state of our infrastructure here in Te Tai Tokerau, and provide us with the funding we need to bring our Northland region up to an acceptable standard.
Along with the ‘Northland Forward Together’ joint work programme (held three times a year), the Mayoral Forum will work to align our four Northland councils to deliver better outcomes for Northland and its people.
Most of all, we will speak as one voice to reinforce how important Northland is, what a wealth of economic advantages can be found here, and how resilient, talented and hard-working our people are.