Winston Peters says, "New Zealanders have been sold out by the Greens big time." Really? Given the Greens have never been in government, and in a position to sell-out New Zealanders, I wonder how?
The charges continue. According to Peters, "Kiwis are living in cars, garages and slum-like boarding houses, but that's no matter to the Greens." Strange, I would have thought of all the major parties they cared the most about these things.
It seems though that Winston has had a revelation. The blame for the housing crisis and the widening gap between rich and poor should be laid at the door of the Greens and their modest policy to raise New Zealand's refugee quota.
Our yearly intake of refugees is currently 750, low by international standards. The Greens want to raise it to 4000 over the next six years. That's 0.08 per cent of our population. Supporting these people into our communities should be easily done.
Winston, however, wants us to see dangers and threats in a party that's never tasted political power and in people forced to flee their home countries. It's an absurd idea to put forward when you think about it.