In the wake of what's hip and hot in 2019, it might be worth taking a somewhat longer view. How about the next 81 years? Here are some predictions for what will be trending this century:
The bucket: Not the flimsy plastic ones, but those big galvanised steel ones which used to be essential on the farm. You can use one to transport garden debris to the compost bin and compost to the garden; collect water from a downpipe or leaking guttering; transport scrap food to chickens or pigs. You can even pee in one (dilute with water for a nutrient boost for the garden). Buy one of these family heirlooms now before they're selling for hundreds of dollars.
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Our own two feet: With petrol prices destined to rise, it'll become common sense to swap the hundreds of hours we work each year paying for a car and petrol for walking instead. We might be surprised how far we can go and how fit we'll get. And as walking trends, so will roadside accommodation make a comeback. Medieval Christians used to go on pilgrimages on foot across Europe to see holy relics, like Christ's foreskin or Saint Anthony's tongue. They needed places to stay at the end of a day's walking. This was big business. In New Zealand, we'll probably want to walk to the beach, the closest thing to a pilgrimage for most of us. Forget freedom camping, then, freedom walking will be trending this century.
Fruit and nut trees: Perennial agriculture that grows food for a local population is probably the best thing we can do to mitigate the effects of climate change and achieve a sustainable food-growing culture in the twilight of the fossil fuel era. If done right, food-producing trees can be planted densely on a piece of land. Their foliage, root system and decaying leaf matter retain water in the earth. With all the tree crops, ladders will also be trending well.