Northland police haven't been inundated with tales of UFO sightings, or landings, despite UFO watchers reporting unprecedented numbers of unexplained objects being seen in the region in recent months.
Suzanne Hansen, Ufocus NZ research network director, said last week that there had been many UFO sightings reported in the region in the past two months.
Ms Hansen said one man had reported seeing a UFO land in Northland in the past five or six weeks, but she was not revealing where the sighting was, or the credible witness' identity, at this stage.
But a police spokeswoman said there had been no reported UFO sightings to police in the region in the past two months.
Ms Hansen said there had been an unprecedented level of UFO/UAP (unidentified flying object/unidentified aerospace phenomena) sightings from the central North Island to Northland in the past two months, with many from Northland.