Time stood still for several years for a significant clock collection which had no permanent home until being taken under Claphams Clock Museum's wings.
Many pieces from the Henry Bruce Wilkinson clock, curios and antiques collection, which was left to Auckland City Council when the businessman and philanthropist died in 1999, are now on permanent display at the Whangarei clock museum.
The collection was brought to Claphams Clocks last year and the exhibition officially opened by Whangarei Mayor Sheryl Mai last month.
Previously, the large, eclectic Wilkinson bequest was stored or exhibited at various locations, including the former caretaker's house in Auckland's Albert Park where items could be viewed only by appointment.
Mr Wilkinson was an importer of high-end goods which he sold to stores like Smith & Caughey's in Auckland and Kirkcaldie and Stains in Wellington.