A trio of young Kaitāia boxers are heading to Auckland to compete in an Auckland Boxing Association amateur event, and they will be matched by the coach of their town’s greatest boxer — IBO super bantamweight world champion Mea Motu.
The team from Kaitāia Boxing Club are travelling to Auckland for Auckland Boxing Association’s amateur event on August 31 at the ABA boxing stadium in Eden Terrace.
The Kaitāia team include three young fighters hoping this will launch them into the national psyche as powerful, emerging boxers who can take their skills to the next level.
The team include Darius Taukilo, aged 16, at 59kg; Sam Dunn-Leef, 12, 46.4kg, and Trinity Minns, 12, 47.6kg. They will be matched by Issac Peach of Peach Boxing, which is based in Henderson, Auckland.
Kaitāia Boxing Club had been looking forward to this entry into amateur boxing events for several years, operations manager Shirley Williams said, after the Covid disruption held up its progress.