One of the chief weapons in our arsenal will be information – and that's where we can help.
Open up the latest news from Northland
Get daily Northland headlines straight to your inbox.Each day, through our website and the pages of the Northern Advocate, we will endeavour to bring the latest facts and figures, guidelines and recommendations from official sources. We'll keep you in the know.
• The Government's official Covid-19 advisory website
At the same time, we will share with you, our readers, the stories of Northlanders doing what all Kiwis do best: pulling together in tough times. In other words, it will be business as usual.
The team here at the Advocate will, however, be making a few changes to the way we work, for everyone's protection. Chief among those, our offices on Robert St, Whangārei, are closed to the public for now, as is our Kerikeri site.
You will find more information about these changes on pages 10 and 11 of today's Advocate.
• Coronavirus: New Zealand has 14 new cases of Covid-19; total now 66 says Director-General of Health
Covid-19 is a frightening disease, and the wall-to-wall cable-news coverage does little to alleviate our anxieties.
But this is not a time for panic. It is a time for caring, compassion and watching out for one another.
If you must go to the shops, think about your local businesses. Know someone over 70, or someone in a vulnerable situation? Give them a call and see if there is anything they need. Just remember to leave it on the porch for them.
Kiwis have weathered tough times before, and we can do it again. This too shall pass.
In the meantime, keep your friends and family safe and spare a thought for your neighbours.
Rachel Ward is the editor of the Northern Advocate.