The partnership between Northland District Health Board and the Ngati Hine Health Trust has been recognised with the presentation of a taonga carving.
At a recent board meeting Ngati Hine Health Trust chairwoman Gwen Tepania-Palmer presented Northland DHB board chairman Anthony Norman with a taonga to acknowledge what is more than just a partnership.
"This taonga represents the mutual integrity of our relationship, which we trust will last as long," said Ms Tepania-Palmer of the ceremonial patu (hand held club) carved from 40,000 year old swamp kauri.
"We endorse the historic leadership of people such as Rob Cooper (former Ngati Hine Health Trust chief executive) and awhi the leaders who are making this future possible."
The health and wellbeing of the Mid North community is at the heart of the partnership between Ngati Hine Health Trust and Northland DHB, with a common vision to improve access, provide a more integrated, efficient, high quality service working in close partnership to deliver the best possible care.