A telephone survey is under way to gauge how Far Northerners rate their council.
Versus Research is calling 500 randomly selected households to find out how people think the council is performing in a range of service areas.
Ninety people in Thames-Coromandel, Opotiki and Gisborne districts will also be interviewed so the Far North results can be compared to those of other, similar-size councils.
Acting chief executive Colin Dale said last year's survey showed improved levels of satisfaction with footpaths, urban storm water management, recycling facilities, cemeteries, coastal access, and parks and reserves. However, only 42 per cent of people surveyed were happy with maintenance of the district's roading network, compared to 51 per cent in 2013, and only 33 per cent were satisfied with the standard of public swimming pools.
Mr Dale said the Far North's roading network had suffered from years of under-investment as a result of government road subsidy policies which worked against rural road authorities. Heavy trucks and storms had also taken their toll on roads.