I've been doing well...Until I had a smoke last night. I was really upset/angry, and to chill out I grabbed a mates smokes and went and had one. It tasted sooo bad!!!..And they gave me a real hard time over it. I could taste it on my breath for hours afterwards :-X
But, it didnt solve anything, and the idea of having another one turns my stomach.
So I don't see it as a failure, more a little speed bump. I am still a non smoker!
I am also putting away only a small portion of the money I would be spending each week on smokes, as my new holiday fund, and its adding up nicely already :-)
Day 7:
Has been a full on last couple of days.
Had a real test last night. Few drinks with friends. Was a couple of times I though mmm just one puff, but nope.
Feeling good. Hardly think about smoking at all.
Really think the Champix has helped hugely, because apart from the first couple of days of not smoking, I really havent had too many cravings etc.
Day 4:
After reading how I'm getting on I have had a friend quit smoking as of today :-) Yay Kelly :-) Hopefully other's will decided 'today is the day' as well.
Feeling fine today.
I don't feel like I've lost anything. The opposite actually.
After the last few days I would be scared to pick up a smoke again. I never want to feel that absolute craving again.
Its so nice not to have to say to my kids " just a minute Mum's having a smoke " or " Go away while Mum has a smoke ", or worrying about the smell of smoke on me when I'm around people.
I am under no illusion I won't have more tough times. I will have good days and bad days, but today is the first day I have really felt like a non-smoker..and it feels great :-)
Day 3 Smokefree :-)
Last night was my first night back as work since i quit. As I was getting ready to leave this morning I kept thinking about what I was going to do instead of having a smoke on the way home, but was fine once I got going. Have to say, the chewing gum is helping alot. I just keep telling myself
whenever I get a craving, "man i need a piece of gum"..Dumb as it sounds, it is really working.
Doing this has also stopped me from replacing smokes with snacks.
Felt a bit better when woke up this morning..Not as anxious and irritable. I'm hoping the grumpiness won't last to long ( as I'm sure everyone else is to :-) )
But its early days. The support I have had is amasing.
It is getting easier every day.
Day 2 of being a non-smoker!
Have been to visit friends this morning, and even though they were smoking it didn't bother me ( too much :-) )
But the coughing is starting already..Not to bad yet, but know it will get worse.
Bonus... Instead of smokes, this morning I brought 10 packs of chewing gum, should last me quite a few days ( providing I can keep the kids out of it )..$10.00 ... A lot cheaper then a pack of cigarettes that would last a day, and cost me a minimum of $15.00 Have found that having a piece of gum when really wanting a smoke is helping.
So, so far so good.
I have lined up some jobs for me to do this afternoon to keep me busy :-)
Day 1 - Monday January 21
Grumpy!!! Grumpy, grumpy grumpy LOL
Not had a smoke since Saturday night.
Not craving a smoke as much as finding I automatically go to have one when I do certain things. Went to phone my sister yesterday, so went to roll a smoke for while we have a chat..I just put off ringing her for a little bit and all good.
Gave any smokes/tobacco, papers etc away yesterday so I had no temptations in the house.
This is day 11 of Champix.