On the face of it, the potential of mining to boost New Zealand's economy has appeal, well certainly in areas like job poor Northland.
The anti development din however driven by a minority of cross pollinating Greenies and hapus has twisted the public perception that the North is hostile to investment and jobs.
Their rhetoric is inversely related to the severity of our economic challenges. We are surrounded by daunting financial figures which makes their narrow approach unsustainable. The date on which we are supposed to be balancing the books keeps slipping into the future and we know that by 2016, our net international liabilities will increase to more than $200 billion.
The only thing the experts seem to agree on is the fact that the global economy is in for a rough ride, for at least the next decade. New Zealand might be better off than some, but the cushion effect of our dairy exports into China can't last forever.
Our regions need diverse sources of revenue. Some new sources of earnings can come from clean green technologies. This however will happen significantly when it makes good business sense and is treated as an organic part of the industrial process of improvement and change. Of course there will always be the option demanded by the Green politburo of political fiat and State subsidy.