Any Waitangi Tribunal recommendations holding up settlement of Ngapuhi's Treaty grievances would severely harm the whole tribe, says Tuhoronuku Independent Mandated Authority interim chairman Sonny Tau.
Any delays to the current process would fail to resolve tension, he says in a weighty Tuhoronuku submission to the tribunal opposing nine applications for urgent hearings over Crown recognition of the authority's mandate.
"More fundamentally, any further delay of desperately needed financial redress would exacerbate the poverty within Ngapuhi."
The affidavit, sworn on Wednesday, is 164 pages, 300 pages of evidence.
The applications for urgent hearings, lodged by individuals and hapu representing nine Wai (tribunal) numbers, were opposed because the applicants were unlikely to suffer any significant prejudice over the foreseeable future because of Tuhoronuku processes or Crown policy, Mr Tau says.