A Whangarei Girls' High School student is "thrilled" after being awarded a top scholarship to the University of Auckland.
Kanewa Harrison, 17, deputy head girl at WGHS, has been granted the University of Auckland Chancellor's Award for Top Maori and Pacific Scholars, which will cover three years of tuition fees and her first year of university accommodation, totalling upwards of $25,000.
The award is set up to "recognise and reward the academic achievement, cultural participation, all-round ability, and leadership potential of Maori and Pacific students from New Zealand secondary schools." Miss Harrison, who will be studying a Bachelor of Health Sciences, applied for the scholarship after being encouraged by her whanau.
"I heard about it through my mum and have some friends who have won it in previous years. My parents encouraged me to apply, they've always been huge supporters of everything I do."
Miss Harrison said discovering she had been awarded the scholarship happened "unexpectedly" while she was online shopping.