Rail enthusiasts in Northland have accused Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce of playing "pork barrel politics"* during a fleeting visit to the region last week with the message that the Government would continue investing in roads rather than rail.
Grow Northland Rail said the minister should stop thinking he could sweet talk his way through this electorate by making empty promises.
Group spokesman Alby Barr said the National Government needed to start taking rail seriously.
More than 460 people filled up the Capitaine Bougainville Theatre and the exhibition hall at Forum North earlier this month during a public forum on the future of rail in Northland. The meeting was organised by Grow Northland Rail after KiwiRail announced last month Northland's sole surviving railway line was to be mothballed north of Kauri because it was no longer viable.
"Steven Joyce might not realise that after the '10 bridges' nonsense in the Northland by-election, the region needs more than empty promises this time around. He needs to deliver some long overdue respect to the people of Whangarei and listen to the clear public support for growing rail," Mr Barr said.