A Far North principal has banned energy drinks from his school due to a spike in consumption causing alleged disruption to learning. Photo / Natalie Slade
A Far North principal has banned energy drinks from his school due to a spike in consumption causing alleged disruption to learning. Photo / Natalie Slade
A Far North principal is warning whānau to be mindful of how much their children are consuming energy drinks, following a recent spike in concerning behaviour as a result of excess consumption.
Okaihau College Principal Thomas Davison has expressed serious concerns about the harmful effects of energy drinks on students and their ability to learn in a recent edition of the college newsletter.
Davison said in the Okaihau Breeze that many of the school's teachers had noticed an increase in energy drink consumption - particularly among junior students.
"Energy drinks, as you know, are full of caffeine and sugar, neither of which are good for developing brains and their learning," he wrote.
"The high level of stimulants in these drinks makes it difficult for students to concentrate in class and is detrimental to their progress.
"I have had reports from teachers about students literally shaking in class because of the effects of a large can of energy drink.
"Students will have consumed the equivalent of six cups of coffee and 12 teaspoons of sugar before class – is it any wonder that they find it hard to concentrate?"
Davison's message made a straightforward request to the families of his students.
"My plea is for whānau to monitor what our students are consuming before school and try to remove access to such drinks," he said.
Thomas Davison, principal of Okaihau College. Photo / NZME
"Please have a conversation with your students about the negative effects that energy drinks can have on developing brains."
Lisa Te Morenga, Associate Professor and Rutherford Discovery Fellow at Massey University's Research Centre for Hauora and Health said, as a parent, she could relate to his concerns.
Most of her research was focused on sugar and sugary drinks, and trying to limit kids' exposure to them.
However, once her son was a teenager and became more autonomous, Te Morenga said she lost control of what he was choosing to drink.
"With that age group, we don't have a lot of control. They're on the cusp of becoming adults and making their own decisions, and we have to let them go," she said.
Te Morenga, who is also a member of Health Coalition Aotearoa (HCA), believed the responsibility for supporting youth in making good choices could not fall solely on whānau.
HCA is a coordinating, umbrella organisation for the NGO, healthcare and academic sectors, and was focused on preventing harm from tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food.
"It's down to the whole of our community to support young people to have healthy lives," she said.
Te Morenga was adamant the way energy drinks were marketed and sold to children was at the root of the problem, and that change was required.
"They're marketed as edgy, and kind of cool. And there are lots of different types, appealing to the preferences of the different groups of teenagers," Te Morenga said.
"They contain a stimulant. They're something teens can choose that's a bit naughty but still 'safe'. In a way, they're like kiddie alcohol."
Te Morenga also described the pervasive presence of signboards marketing these drinks out the front of dairies, which children of all ages often walked past on their way to and from school.
She said there was no control over what kids were exposed to – both in terms of advertising and the availability of these drinks.
Principal Davison also acknowledged this challenge, noting students "often had their own money and could find access at shops close to bus stops when whānau weren't around".
Te Morenga said she was advocating for doing something about the environments around schools, and figuring out how to legislate to make those environments healthier.
She said she didn't think it unreasonable to limit advertising of energy drinks within 500 metres of schools.
As for advertising energy drinks on TV, Te Morenga said there was currently a voluntary code around not advertising junk food - including energy drinks - to children.
According to her, the scope of that advertising was problematic.
"It's defined very narrowly. Children are defined as being only up to 12 or 13 years of age," she said.
"It focuses on marketing that is directed at children, based on the time of day it airs - the after-school period - rather than marketing children are actually exposed to, whether it was directed to them or not."
Associate Professor Lisa Te Morenga, (Ngati Whatua Orakei, Te Uri o Hua, Ngapuhi and Te Rarawa) said it's up to the whole community to support young people to have healthy lives.
Te Morenga noted that there was also nothing in place, not even guidelines when it came to the digital space.
She said Minister Andrew Little had tasked the Ministry of Health (MoH) with investigating the options for taking action.
"Health Coalition Aotearoa has put together some evidence packages about the different options, and even a piece of work looking at the legislative vehicles that could be used in the junk food marketing space," Te Morenga said.
"We're pushing for any new legislation to consider the marketing children are exposed to, rather than the marketing directed at them.
"This would include children up to 18 years of age, as defined by The World Health Organisation, and longer viewing times up to 10pm.
"It would also need an independent monitoring authority to investigate any breaches and we'd love it to go beyond TV because we'd argue most of the advertising kids are exposed to isn't on TV."
MoH did not comment on the current regulatory climate surrounding the marketing of energy drinks to children.
As for the sale of energy drinks, Te Morenga said there was currently no requirement that schools should refrain from doing so.
"Schools were previously obligated to provide only healthy food and drinks. This was rolled over by the National government, who thought it was very 'nanny state'," she said.
"Some schools kept those guidelines in place, but others haven't. It would depend on the values of the board and the principal."
Okaihau College has made its values clear with the decision to prohibit the consumption of energy drinks at school.
"We will be removing energy drinks from any student who is visibly consuming these during school time and disposing of them," wrote Davison.
According to Te Morenga, current Ministry of Education (MoE) guidelines said schools should have healthy eating policies in place.
"But it's just guidance, not a rule. And it expires at the end of this year, unless renewed."
She said MoE had just gone through a consultation process regarding whether or not to put in place a limitation about selling sugary drinks, which called for feedback from experts such as herself.
Te Morenga said a lot of work went into a large submission from HCA which asked it apply to all school settings, which should be about healthy foods as well as drinks.
The Ministry is said to be now reviewing that feedback.
"I remain confident they will put in place something fairly strong that will help.
Te Morenga said there were better things kids could be having to start their day to allow for a slow release of energy and steadier blood sugar levels throughout the day.
She added current evidence indicated energy drinks raised blood pressure and negatively affected sleep.
"The fact that energy drinks are replacing good foods from kids' diets is a definite concern," she said.
"And the high amounts of sugar and acid they contain are no good for teeth."
The Ministry of Health was approached for comment and said energy drinks were not recommended for children.
According to MoH's Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Healthy Children and Young People (Aged 2–18 years), energy drinks were not recommended for children or young people, as they were usually high in sugar which contributed to dental caries.
The guidelines also state that 600ml bottle of energy drink provides about 15 teaspoons of sugar, and all energy drinks and energy shots contained caffeine, a psychoactive stimulant drug that acted on the central nervous system.