Primary schools cultural festival

Northland College’s hall was packed on September 17 with performers and proud parents as hundreds of schoolchildren showed their skill in waiata, action songs, haka and hip-hop. The annual Northland Primary Schools Cultural festival began several years ago as a chance for pupils of Kaikohe East and Kaikohe West School to perform for each other; since then it has grown into a fully fledged festival featuring schools from across the Mid North. Participating schools included Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Kaikohe, Kaikohe Christian School, Kaikohe East School, Kaikohe West School, Te Kura o Horeke, Ohaeawai School and Tautoro School. Photos by Debbie Beadle.

Tintype photographs
Northern Advocate

Tintype photographs

Tintype Central is a portrait studio specialising in the wet plate colloidion process, a 19th century method of development that predates film photography.

Waipu Easter Carnival

Waipu Easter Carnival

Waipu Easter Carnival is now in its 16th year of running and is one of the last events on the summer calendar.

Blues vs Drua

Blues vs Drua

Captain's run for Blues rugby team at Semenoff Stadium, Okara Park, Whangarei, Sam Nock feeds the ball out during the Captain's run. Photo/ by Michael Cunningham

Cruise ship

Cruise ship

Regatta was welcomed to Whangārei-te-rerenga-parāoa (Whangārei harbour) with a pōwhiri conducted by hapū Patuharakeke as about 580 passengers disembarked.

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