Renowned playwright Roger Hall has ridden a wave of success for decades and gifted more than 40 mainly comedy plays and television scripts to New Zealand's cultural cache. Remember the 1970s satire Glide Time about the foibles and perks of working for the public service, and its post-Rogernomics sequel Gliding On, Middle Aged Spread, Conjugal Rites, et al?
Ruakaka master surfboard crafter Roger Hall has ridden his own wave, too, in his life-long pursuit of surfing and board shaping. He made his first board when he was 13 years old - "It's been a life-long pursuit."
The two met yesterday at the Surfline factory when the writer came to discuss the two boards he's ordered from his namesake for his surfing 40-something-year-old kids.
One of the conditions of the deal will be that the boards are called Glide Time or Gliding On, playwright Hall said.
Ruakaka's Roger Hall, well-known in surfer circles for his Surfline brand, said he's often been asked if he was that Roger Hall.