This Christmas, our treasures become your treasures as we get creative to fund our aspirations in the Whangārei Museum. Launching in time for the holiday season are 14 prints from the Whangārei Museum Collection. They capture the flavour of Northland, they’re historic, and buying one would and should incite warm fuzzies because it’s a huge help towards some exciting projects and keeping our artefacts safe and shown.
In the realm of non-profits, heritage and culture is a really tough environment to secure resourcing for our ongoing purpose, so we took a deep dive into the archives to get inspired by the imagery of our own history.
These prints depict the essence of our beautiful region, from its lush landscapes to its vibrant communities, and each one tells a unique story of our shared past. The first eight images in the range combine to create a journey beginning at Heritage Park with a 1946 Whites Aviation aerial view of Glorat, the Clarke Homestead. In it, you’ll note that State Highway 14 is still gravel, and the farm is active - without any sign of the train tracks or museum.
The next point in the journey takes you through the city, across the Hātea River to a view of Victoria Bridge. Well before the fancy canopy, this scene shows a dirt road, horse and buggy and a rowing team moving on the water in front of what would now be the Hundertwasser Art Centre. If you park at Destination Dairy for an ice cream today, look back towards the bridge and see the same sight just a century later.