Every year, the Bank of New Zealand closes branches all over the country so its staff can head out to assist in their local communities. Organisations, such as Kiwi North, apply for their help for a day and we were lucky to acquire their assistance this year.
Last Wednesday, a bright and bubbly team of 27 BNZ workers arrived to help with the three tasks for the day.
The kiwi need fresh leaf litter from uncontaminated areas of bush and the team set about collecting this. We have one juvenile kiwi from Rotorua in half of the indoor enclosure and, soon, we will be getting another kiwi from Christchurch.
The other half of the enclosure has to have new leaf litter so the smell and possible parasites of our older birds will not cause any difficulty.
Our mature kiwi, Kura and Manuiti, have vacated the indoor enclosure for life in the new outdoor pens.